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Patrick O Brien

An overview of Patricks path 

Patricks Story in his own words

Patricks Story


With over 20 years experience working as a Shamanic healer, Patrick has a unique and special story which makes him relatable and easy to connect with. Living a childhood encompassing mental, emotional and physical abuse, like everyone, Patrick carried forward this trauma to adulthood.


The effects of this were anger, social anxiety, manic depression, substance abuse, homelessness, multiple suicide attempts, relationship breakdowns and violence.


All throughout his early adult life it was suggested to him that he start counselling or see a physiotherapist. He tried these modalities. They never felt right for him. He felt like he was not being heard and he did not want to numb himself with medication. 


After serving in and leaving the military Patricks life continued to be impacted by the affects of his childhood trauma. So much so that he was given an ultimatum, and he agreed to go to a healer, Margaret.


After his first session, Patrick said ‘it was the first time I had felt content, ever’, and during the same session based on his healing experience and the journey he went on, Margaret told him that he was a Shaman.

Meaning very little to Patrick initially, he continued to go to Margaret just because he liked how it made him feel. As time progressed, Patricks journeys intensified and his interest in learning his gift heightened. After 12 months of healing and learning about shamanism, Patrick started healing family and friends and used this experience to hone his skills. These healings focused mainly on physical ailments.


Before long, word of mouth spread and Patricks client base grew. Individuals came to him about sore arms, or headaches from accidents etc., all of which healed. Patricks spiritual abilities and knowledge of the spirit world were ever evolving. As he progressed on his healer journey, Patrick uncovered new concepts and a deeper understanding of ‘why’ individuals experienced physical & emotional ailments. From this, his VIBES therory was born. VIBES stands for Vibrations In Bodies Entangled Subconsciously. The VIBES Therory encompasses shamanic practices, energy work and intuitive guidance to heal individuals suffering from anxiety, depression, stress, grief, abusive relationships, feeling stuck or lost.


It was clear to him that this was how he could impact people's lives and help people live authentically, free from emotional and mental turmoil and and free from trauma and karmic debts.


It is Patrick's purpose to evolutionise Shamanism and bring this modality to the masses. Patrick is passionate about providing a safe, non-judgemental space to all of his clients and helping them to realise their worth and live in a content state. 

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